Hands on Wholistic Healing

From my heart to yours.


Welcome dear one, to this heart-full space.

I invite you to arrive, just as you are.

All of you is welcome here.

Pause and slow down. And then slow down even more.

It is in the quiet, liminal spaces that we are able to truly listen to our bodies.

Let us listen together, to the innate wisdom held within the tapestry of your being.

Let us decipher the language of your heart and body, so that we may learn how to heed their advice.

Let us hold your beautifully complex self with compassion, curiosity and respect.

In a world where separateness has become the norm, I encourage genuine connection.

I invite you to embody your most authentic self, and define what health means to you.

I invite you to heal.

What I love about my treatments with Laura, is the silence of it all. She reads my body, my pulse and my breath. I know she is there, aware, guiding my body on physical and energetic levels so naturally. She is present, listening, and open; going with the flow. It is the opposite of doing something to me, she allows what is, and it is always heavenly.
— KF